Fiorentina’s super striker Mohamed Salah has contributed 60 thousand Euros to Florence Muslim community in the team’s headquarters in Tuscany region, offering them a chance to repair the mosques in the Italian western province.
Salah, an Egyptian player who moved to Fiorentina from English Chelsea, has become a huge star in the Italian league after scoring 9 goals and making 2 others in 12 matches so far.
The player’s move to prostrate after each goal has also been widely welcomed by the Muslim community, saying he presented a true image of Islam away from the terrorist image conveyed by media.By his arrival in the city last February, the Muslim player first asked about the location of the mosque, according to the head of the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy.
Italy has a Muslim population of some 1.7 million, including 20,000 reverts, according to the figures released by Istat, the national statistics agency.
The decision followed several attacks against Muslim students in the college for donning hijab.Reacting to increasing attacks targeting veiled Muslim students, the headmaster of an Italian college in north-eastern Italian town Cervignano del Friuli has banned last week headscarves in classes, seeing them as “provocative”.
World Bulletin